A place to gather; to encounter and worship God; to learn and grow; and to be inspired and equipped for extra/ordinary life. Sunday evenings @ 7:30pm are our key “all-in” event.
We aim for our worship services to be EPIC: Experiential, Participatory, Image-Rich, and Connective (taking cues from Leonard Sweet). Service elements include quality music, prayer, Bible reading, visuals, response or activity stations, and space to reflect and discuss. On some weeks we share a meal together, and we celebrate communion about 6-8 times a year.
There will always be some sort of “input” (aka sermon): something that engages your brain and helps you think about life and faith. Our service content and theme are usually shaped by a biblical series or mini-series (eg. 7 weeks in 1 Corinthians; 3 week in Revelation) with room for spontaneity.
You can expect to connect with new and old friends over a hot drink at the start of the service. There are also opportunities to share thoughts, insights and questions in a small group setting.
As well as helping us to learn and grow; to worship God, and to connect and reconnect with each other, our Sunday gatherings help equip us for everyday life. An overarching aim of Student Soul is the desire to help each of us become all that God has created and enables us to be: unique persons playing our part in helping our world to be a better place.
You are always welcome to join us, and free to participate as much or as little as you like. See you Sunday!