“C’mon, Let’s Do This” – Transformation in Mark 1:29-45

We’ve been going through the Gospel of Mark and I’ve been reading chapter 1:29-45.
Here’s 3 things you need to know from that passage.
Firstly, the deeply transformative work of the kingdom that Jesus is seeking to bring about doesn’t thrive in the hype.
In verse 34, “he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him.”
The hype is a hindrance to the real work of transformation.
Secondly, that transformation that Jesus is seeking to lead us into is so vital and so urgent and so challenging that to uncover it requires focused and diligent pursuit of prayer.
In verse 35 Jesus exits himself, gets up early, goes to the mountain, and prays.
Prayer is the doorway to the real work of wonder, of relational richness, and of life change.
And the third thing you need to know about this passage is that Jesus is a trustworthy leader in this journey of transformation.
The kingdom goal he is chasing is soaked through with compassion and generosity.
In Verse 41, Jesus responds I do, “I do choose,” I choose to do this. A willingness to care and to give is part of this journey of transformation.
And so my challenge, and your challenge is:
- Firstly, to find a deeper place to live from within, below the hype of life.
- Secondly to guard and prioritise creative practices of prayer as a matter of urgency.
- Thirdly, to embrace compassion and generosity towards others as we go.