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Author: Tom Mepham

Tom Mepham is the full-time minister of Student Soul. He received his Diploma in Ministry from the Knox Centre of Ministry and Leadership in December 2019, prior to which he graduated with a Bachelor of Theology from Otago University in 2017. He is a member of the Southern Presbytery, part of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. Tom is also a writing and performing musician and you can keep up with his explorations at his website.

Church Can Be A Little Bit Like Youth Group

One of the cool things that people seem to like about Student Soul is that, although we are a church, it reminds them a little bit of youth group! So if that’s what you’re looking for when you come to Dunedin for the first time, you know where to come! Quite a lot of people have had...

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Children of Two Worlds… Or is it One World?

In a bustling morning of family life, I had two calls that interestingly intertwined: an invitation to a nationwide prayer Zoom and a discussion on a local music project. One sought divine connection, the other community joy through a Dunedin twist on a classic tune. Both, in essence, were about bridging...

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