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Launch Team

Stepping out in faith to start 2023 strong

Student Soul is a place of dreams – every year is new for us. Every year calls for wild prayer & large hopes. And right now, our hearts and minds are full with 2023 and the potential it holds. We are ready to land into O-Week with a skip in our step & fire under the feet. (You know… keeping us in the dance).

God has been deep at work in this church communuity we call Student Soul, forging LIFE. And we’re alive with it, excited & grateful. We daren’t play it safe but want to spread it wide. We want to lean into the overflow.

So what does starting strong look like for us this year? It means doing everything we can to build social momentum. This the relational life-blood of student ministry. We can say this in lots of really cool theological and spiritual ways. Those matter too. But there’s nothing flaky about naming it for what it is. We are cultivating MOMENTUM.

And so we are inviting people to come on in and join our launch team.

What does it involve?

  • Show up & be present

    7:25-9:25pm, Sunday nights during semesters. That adds up to 30 weeks during the year. Don’t worry, we’re not gonna be laying heavy on you when life gets crazy and you can’t make it. All we’re asking is that you aim with intent at being a part of our Sunday nights in 2023.

  • Make it a priority

    Commit to it as though it’s a primary spiritual commitment for you. Not the only one, but a primary one. This is sort of about the posture with which you approach it. We’re not asking for an overly time- or energy-heavy commitment. We’re inviting you into a meaningful commitment. So, consider how you would make & keep space in your life for it.

  • Join in prayer

    Commit to pray regularly for the Student Soul congregation and the students that God is reaching through this ministry. Again, this is about your own spiritual posture more than anything.

  • Be prepared

    Show up to the service with a sense of anticipation, hope, and excitement. God is in the business of life change! So come expectant and ready. And that doesn’t mean you should fake it. It’s just that we think you’re allowed to be tired, or low, even struggling, and still hopeful in the midst of it all. Even a mustard seed of expectation will be enough.

  • It’s about relationships

    Be open to engage in new relationships, especially with students. This might mean a readiness to model aspects the Christian life in a real way which is true to your story. It might mean contributing to a healthy culture of conversation. It might mean being willing to journey alongside others, wherever they’re at with faith. However you put it, it’s about being present with people and present with God!

Join the team & help people become fully alive in Christ.

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