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Author: Tom Mepham

Tom Mepham is the full-time minister of Student Soul. He received his Diploma in Ministry from the Knox Centre of Ministry and Leadership in December 2019, prior to which he graduated with a Bachelor of Theology from Otago University in 2017. He is a member of the Southern Presbytery, part of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. Tom is also a writing and performing musician and you can keep up with his explorations at his website.

The Message in Bulletpoints

Student Soul is not just about building a congregation or reaching people, but inviting you into a vision. That vision is simple: to find your place in the family of Jesus, become who you're called to be with the help of the Holy Spirit, and make a difference in the world as a follower of Christ.

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light & life…

Discover what it means to be part of a community of light and life, shaping bold and attractive disciples through worship, transformation, and a mindset of embracing new possibilities. Join us on a journey that will shape the whole rest of your life, and learn to be present to God and live deep in...

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In 1 Kings 3:5-12, God appears to Solomon in a dream and offers him anything he desires. Solomon asks for an understanding mind to govern God's people with discernment. If God were to ask you for your hearts desire, what would it be? Take a moment to reflect on this question and ask for what you truly...

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preparing to listen for a fresh word from God

Read (or listen to) Romans 8:26-39 26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. 27 And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit...

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The Open Life

In "The Open Life," Tom Mepham shares his reflections on Jesus' parable about the closed and open life. Through the stories of John the Baptist, Jesus, and Toiroa, Tom invites readers to cultivate an openness to God and new life. He offers a simple prayer practice to embody that openness and invites...

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